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France, Italy

Don Juan, or If Don Juan Were a Woman 1973

Jeanne lives in Paris and believes she is the reincarnation of Don Juan. She visits a priest and tells him she has ki...

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Tamanho do Ficheiro
1h 27min
French, Swedish, English
Jeanne lives in Paris and believes she is the reincarnation of Don Juan. She visits a priest and tells him she has killed a man. He comes to her elegant flat - her father has died leaving her rich - and she tells the priest stories about men she has seduced. The seduction is easy, she tells him, it’s destruction that takes planning. We watch her with an upright elected official, a wealthy boor, and a folk singer. She describes herself as a spider. Her friend Léporella tries to be Jeanne’s conscience. What does Jeanne want? —

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