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Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg

A Real Vermeer 2016

Romance, Drama, History, Biography
Young and talented Han van Meegeren is a rebel in the early 1920’s Amsterdam art-scene. Because he paints in the styl...

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1h 55min
Young and talented Han van Meegeren is a rebel in the early 1920’s Amsterdam art-scene. Because he paints in the style of his idols Rembrandt and Vermeer, critics find his work old-fashioned and they call him a copycat. Just to prove a point, he produces a fake Vermeer and tries to pass it off as a real one. It works. Instead of revealing the truth and thereby embarrassing the art world, he continues to make money off of his many forgeries. Soon he is caught in a web of lies and deceit, and his life spins out of control. Then one day, high ranking Nazi Hermann Göring knocks on his door, looking for a Vermeer for his private collection...

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