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This application Do not belong to any of the communication companies .
EMRAS Which Stands for Et...
last update
February 12th, 2019
Android 4.0.4 +
File Size
+ 19.4K
About the APK:
This application Do not belong to any of the communication companies .
EMRAS Which Stands for Etisalat , MTN , Roshan , Afghan-Wireless ad Salaam , Contains all the bundles (Internet,Message,Voice ,International)of the Afghani simcards and it will save your day from searching a lot to know about the bundles , here you can easily find the important information about your simcard’s bundles.E : EtisalatM : MTNR : RoshanA : Afghan-WirelessS : SalaamNew => *** اضافه شدن زبان پشتو و انگلسی***
*** دیزاین جدید****
*** بسته های جدید و اصلاح بسته های گذشته***
*** اضافه شدن سرویس خدمات سیم کارت ها
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EMRAS Which Stands for Etisalat , MTN , Roshan , Afghan-Wireless ad Salaam , Contains all the bundles (Internet,Message,Voice ,International)of the Afghani simcards and it will save your day from searching a lot to know about the bundles , here you can easily find the important information about your simcard’s bundles.E : EtisalatM : MTNR : RoshanA : Afghan-WirelessS : SalaamNew => *** اضافه شدن زبان پشتو و انگلسی***
*** دیزاین جدید****
*** بسته های جدید و اصلاح بسته های گذشته***
*** اضافه شدن سرویس خدمات سیم کارت ها
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- the downloald button above is REAL! we're using here Adshrink service!
- We Are humans and we may make mistakes, please report below if there is an error.