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Welcome to Granny.
Granny keeps you locked in her house.
Now you have to try to get out of her h...
dernière mise à jour
June 8th, 2021
Android 4.4 +
Taille du fichier
+ 4.9K
À propos du APK:
Welcome to Granny.
Granny keeps you locked in her house.
Now you have to try to get out of her house, but be careful and quiet. She hears everything.
If you drop something on the floor, she hears it and comes running.
You can hide in wardrobes or under beds.
You have 5 days.
Good luck!
The game contains advertisement.
WHAT’S NEW*Christmas is over
Granny keeps you locked in her house.
Now you have to try to get out of her house, but be careful and quiet. She hears everything.
If you drop something on the floor, she hears it and comes running.
You can hide in wardrobes or under beds.
You have 5 days.
Good luck!
The game contains advertisement.
WHAT’S NEW*Christmas is over
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