Enjoyed this. Interesting premise, if a little haphazardly crafted together.2021’s ’What Happened to Mr. Cha?’ is a film that is about real life South Korean actor Cha In-pyo, who plays himself. It’s nothing like a biopic, but it apparently mixes fiction and non-fiction. It’s a comedy, first and foremost. It does attempt a little bit of heart, but its main intention is to entertain.Does it? Yes, just about. The main event of the film is amusing and fairly unique, at least from what I’ve seen. I did begin to lose interest at around the midway point, as it gets repetitive, but there’s enough there to keep it chugging along at a solid level. The humour, though fine, could’ve been greater.Cha is entertaining in the lead role. He is very much the standout performer, though I found Jo Dal-Hwan and a few of the others satisfactory too.The plot is ludicrous, but that’s what the film is going for. Overall it is nothing all that incredible, but I found enough enjoyment with it.
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