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The Space Between 2021

Drama, Comedy
Golden Globe(TM) Winner Kelsey Grammer stars in the inspiring coming of age story, set during the iconic 90s LA music...

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1h 35min
Golden Globe(TM) Winner Kelsey Grammer stars in the inspiring coming of age story, set during the iconic 90s LA music scene. Micky Adams (Grammer), an eccentric has-been rock musician, loses his grip on reality all while his record label is looking to drop him and his newly created "unique" albums. In hopes of breaking out of the record-label mailroom, a young Charlie Porter is tasked with traveling to the musician’s bizarre home and forcing Micky Adams out of his contract. Micky realizes Charlie could be the key to an artistic break through, and the pair’s unlikely friendship grows. The odd but powerful bond helps both gain perspective from each other on the music industry, life, love...and the space between.

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