Descargar APK
3400+ icons 90% of them are redesigned!
-50+ HD wallpapers
-5 KLWP sets by Irwin Kurniadi (yo...
última actualización
JULY 27th, 2017
Android 4.4 +
Tamaño de archivo
+ 24.3K
Acerca de APK:
3400+ icons 90% of them are redesigned!
-50+ HD wallpapers
-5 KLWP sets by Irwin Kurniadi (you need to install KLWP Pro to use these)
-Support 29++ launchers
-Full manual vector graphic processing icons
-See & Search all icons
-Smart Icon Request
-Support Muzei
-Image picker, attach as an image to email, hangouts, Etc or even use it to create Zooper widget
-Support main dynamic calendar (eg. Google, Today, Touch, Sunrise, Biz, Business Calendar, pre-installed calendar and much more)
-Smart icon request
-Help section contains FAQs with search function
-Report bugs
-Show/Hide launcher icon from app drawer
-50+ HD wallpapers
-5 KLWP sets by Irwin Kurniadi (you need to install KLWP Pro to use these)
-Support 29++ launchers
-Full manual vector graphic processing icons
-See & Search all icons
-Smart Icon Request
-Support Muzei
-Image picker, attach as an image to email, hangouts, Etc or even use it to create Zooper widget
-Support main dynamic calendar (eg. Google, Today, Touch, Sunrise, Biz, Business Calendar, pre-installed calendar and much more)
-Smart icon request
-Help section contains FAQs with search function
-Report bugs
-Show/Hide launcher icon from app drawer
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- El botón de descarga de arriba es ¡REAL! ¡Aquí usamos el servicio de Adshrink!
- Somos humanos y cometemos errores, por favor reporte abajo si hay algún error.