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اكتب للبحث ( على الأقل 3 أحرف)

United States, Germany

8 Mile 2002

Drama, Music
This is the inspiring captivating story of the legendary rapper Eminem. The troubled young aspiring rapper from a ghe...

مشاهدة كامل معرض الصور
حجم الملف
1h 50min
This is the inspiring captivating story of the legendary rapper Eminem. The troubled young aspiring rapper from a ghetto in Michigan must exert his last chances to become successful while dealing with his life in ruins. All is seemingly lost. He is now single, has only a few friends, an insane/alcoholic mother, and is dealt with poverty and living in a violent city on 8 mile. His only way out of the ghetto and torturous life hes living in is with his talent in rapping. Will B-Rabbit prevail and seize the shot hes given or will he let it slip?

الترجمات المتوفر (يمكنك تحميلهم من الأعلى)

- يمكنك تحميل الفيلم والترجمات من الزر أعلاه 'تحميل الآن'.
- رابط التحميل حقيقي, نحن نستخدم خدمة Adshrink هنا !
- نحن بشر ويمكن أن نخطأ, الرجاء الإبلاغ عن أي خطأ من الأسفل .

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