تحميل الـ APK
★Adoptable Storage★
Enable Adoptable Storage on any Android device running Marshmallow or later....
آخر تحديث
June 30th, 2017
Android 3.0 +
حجم الملف
+ 25.0K
حول الـ APK:
★Adoptable Storage★
Enable Adoptable Storage on any Android device running Marshmallow or later. (Including Galaxy S7 and LG G4).
★App Install Location★
Set the install location where apps will be installed to by default.
★App Manager★
Get in control of your apps. View details and uninstall system apps.
★Battery Calibration★
Calibrate your battery when it is empty too quickly (e.g. after ROM flash).
★Build.prop Editor★
Easily edit your build.prop file.
★Device Info★
View lots of information about your device.
★DPI Changer★
Edit the DPI (LCD Density) of your device.
★Emoji Changer★
Change the Emojis of your device. Requires Android Lollipop or higher.
Flash Custom ROMs, GAPPS and more; Install Recovery & Boot images. Create your own script!
★Font Installer★
Select a font to install on your device. Over 700 fonts to choose from.
★Freeform Window Mode★
Enable ‘Freeform Window Mode’ on any Android device running Nougat or higher.
★Language Changer★
Change system language of your device.
Enable Adoptable Storage on any Android device running Marshmallow or later. (Including Galaxy S7 and LG G4).
★App Install Location★
Set the install location where apps will be installed to by default.
★App Manager★
Get in control of your apps. View details and uninstall system apps.
★Battery Calibration★
Calibrate your battery when it is empty too quickly (e.g. after ROM flash).
★Build.prop Editor★
Easily edit your build.prop file.
★Device Info★
View lots of information about your device.
★DPI Changer★
Edit the DPI (LCD Density) of your device.
★Emoji Changer★
Change the Emojis of your device. Requires Android Lollipop or higher.
Flash Custom ROMs, GAPPS and more; Install Recovery & Boot images. Create your own script!
★Font Installer★
Select a font to install on your device. Over 700 fonts to choose from.
★Freeform Window Mode★
Enable ‘Freeform Window Mode’ on any Android device running Nougat or higher.
★Language Changer★
Change system language of your device.
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- زر التحميل أعلاه حقيقي! نحن نستخدم خدمة Adshrink هنا
- نحن بشر وقد نرتكب أخطاء ، يرجى الإبلاغ أدناه إذا كان هناك خطأ.