تحميل الـ APK
• Black theme
• Fixed problem with UTF-8 characters in file names (fixed by avoiding use of busy...
آخر تحديث
August 5th, 2017
Android 2.3 +
حجم الملف
+ 31.5K
حول الـ APK:
• Black theme
• Fixed problem with UTF-8 characters in file names (fixed by avoiding use of busybox!)
-You edit the file different file types a feature which only root explorer pro allows to do so on Android
-Endless browser tabs
-It is possible to see information which can be concealed for safety functions for example information of games and the programs you saved in android.
-It’s SQlite database several choose documents that are remount, for documents, deliver documents via Wireless, e-mail and so on and additional fascinating features.
-Cloud storage
-Much More!
• Fixed problem with UTF-8 characters in file names (fixed by avoiding use of busybox!)
-You edit the file different file types a feature which only root explorer pro allows to do so on Android
-Endless browser tabs
-It is possible to see information which can be concealed for safety functions for example information of games and the programs you saved in android.
-It’s SQlite database several choose documents that are remount, for documents, deliver documents via Wireless, e-mail and so on and additional fascinating features.
-Cloud storage
-Much More!
- يمكنك تحميل APK من الزر أعلاه 'تحميل الـ APK'.
- زر التحميل أعلاه حقيقي! نحن نستخدم خدمة Adshrink هنا
- نحن بشر وقد نرتكب أخطاء ، يرجى الإبلاغ أدناه إذا كان هناك خطأ.
- زر التحميل أعلاه حقيقي! نحن نستخدم خدمة Adshrink هنا
- نحن بشر وقد نرتكب أخطاء ، يرجى الإبلاغ أدناه إذا كان هناك خطأ.