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Storage Auction V1.9

November 16th, 2015 || Android 2.3.7 +
Download APK The #1 Storage Auction game on the AppStore has come to Android. Enter virtual storage unit aucti...
last update
November 16th, 2015
Android 2.3.7 +
File Size
+ 4.2K
About the APK:
The #1 Storage Auction game on the AppStore has come to Android.
Enter virtual storage unit auctions. Look inside when the door is raised and decide how high you will bid. Touch items and containers in your purchased rooms to empty them and hopefully find treasure instead of junk.

" No in-app purchases! None!!!!!!!
" No ads! None !!!!!!!!
" Photo Realistic Graphics
" Random room generation
" 3 Difficulty Settings

When tenants of self-storage facilities have failed to pay their bill, the storage facility is allowed to have an auction of the contents of that locker. These auctions are open to the public and allow bidders an opportunity to attempt to profit by reselling the items within.

Before the door opens, you will see which bidders have shown up for that round. Some are nicer than others. So watch yourself when the aggressive ones are around, and buy more when they are not. Once the door opens, a timer will count down for 5 seconds. Then the bidding will begin. These auctions are part strategy and part luck.

" Strategy Look at the contents of the room and consider the value of the large visible items. Does the bidding match your thoughts on the rooms value?

" Luck How many boxes and storage tubs are there? Remember that each one is opened individually and the items within can add up fast, especially when you find some of the more valuable items that are possibly inside.

If you think the competition is bidding too high, let your fellow bidders have the room; and at the end of the round, ENJOY seeing how much they lost on it. If you think the room is being underbid, be sure to get it. This will be the best way to grow your money. Each round has 3 rooms for sale. Once all 3 rooms are sold, you are allowed to go through and empty each room you purchased.

Touch each item, box and storage tub individually to remove that item and see how the room adds up. The cost and the current value of each item removed is displayed as it is touched and a running tally is generated. Of course, you are hoping the value is greater then the cost.

Some rooms have a rare item inside. Sometimes they are in plain sight. Sometimes they are behind something or are inside a box or storage tub that looks like any other. You can view your rare item collection before starting each round and should consider them a source of pride in how you have played.

You start with $2,000 bidding money. When you get ahead, you put the bulk of your money in the bank. 10% of the value you have in the bank is added to your bidding money. If you play well, both these values will grow over time.

The contents of every room are randomly generated. This random selection includes not only which items are in a given room and where they are located in the room, but also which items are in the boxes & storage tubs. This means no matter how many times you play the game, no two rooms will be exactly the same.

Storage Auction has been a hit with users.

by Mkopppgfdcsgc - Aug 25, 2013
I love the show storage hunters and the game just makes me smile I love how u get to go through your locker and one time I think I got a collectible worth 150,000

by Seriously2 - Aug 13, 2013
This game is so fun and addicting. I’m addicted to storage wars storage hunters and this game fills my need to buy lockers without making me broke.

by Ricardo . M - Aug 12, 2013
This game is good one of the best games I’ve played in a while ...wish it was more like storage wars ... Wish Dave was saying yuuup

by Chunky Ninja 42 - Jul 31, 2013
The best game I’ve ever played! It is just like the show storage wars storage hunters and makes me feel like I am in the show. Thank you for making this game!!!!!!

by TD#6 - Jul 21, 2013
I love this game i first watched the shows storage wars storage hunters and got addicted the found storage auction sarted played and got addicted #the best game ever

New => Bug Fixes. A link to the new Mario Tactical Trainer game!

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